UACE2017 Proceedings: Underwater acoustics problems solving with using matched field processing

  • Session:
    Towards Automatic Target Recognition. Detection, Classification and Modelling
  • Paper:
    Underwater acoustics problems solving with using matched field processing
  • Author(s):
    Andrei Mashoshin
  • Abstract:
    The main difference between the underwater acoustic field and other physical fields is significant and complicated dependence of signal propagation law on the waveguide conditions. Therefore, algorithms for solving the most of the practical underwater acoustic problems, which, as a rule, are inverse problems, should take into account current waveguide conditions, i.e., must be matched with the laws of signals propagation and interference. The purpose of the work is to review practical applications of underwater acoustics, based on the use of algorithms, agreed with the environment. Such applications include: tomography of the ocean, detection of sea objects at greater distances, classification of sea objects, a joint solution of classification and ranging problems, underwater sound communication.\nThe quality of these problems solution depends largely on the accuracy of the waveguide parameters measuring. Researches to improve this accuracy must fulfill in two directions: development of methods and devices of in-situ measurement of current parameters of the environment, development of adequate models of the waveguide, oriented to the solution of practical problems and considered the possibilities of these methods and devices
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Contact details

  • Contact person:
    Prof Andrei Mashoshin
  • e-mail:
  • Affiliation:
    JSC Concern CRI Electropribor
  • Country:
    Russian Federation