The topics of the UACE2025 include:
- Acoustic imaging
- Acoustics in Oil and Gas Production
- Acoustic studies of marine mammals
- Ambient noise: sources, monitoring and long term trends
- Arctic acoustics
- Bioacoustics and Biosonar
- Calibration of sonar and hydrophones
- Detection and remediation of objects on the seafloor.
- Environmental protection
- Experimental facilities
- Fisheries
- Flow generated noise
- Geoacoustics
- Harbour and sea lane protection
- Impact of noise on marine life
- International regulations and their impact
- Inversion methods in underwater acoustics
- Marine ecology
- Marine GIS
- Marine renewables
- Marine soundscapes
- Marine surveys
- Metamaterials
- Mine countermeasures
- Multibeam Sonar and Technology
- New transducer materials
- Noise and vibration from marine piling
- Nonlinear underwater acoustics
- Ocean observatories
- Ocean technology policy
- Oceanographic instrumentation
- Radiated noise from ships and surface platforms
- Risk assessment in underwater acoustic measurements
- Research vessel facilities and instrumentations
- Reverberation and clutter
- ROV's and AUV's and their use in underwater acoustics
- Scattering and fluctuations
- Seabed interactions
- Seafloor characterization
- Seismic acoustics
- Signal and image processing
- Single- and multi-beam sonar advances
- Sound propagation modelling in shallow and deep water
- Sonar performance measurements and modelling
- Synthetic aperture sonar
- Tank experiments
- Target recognition
- Tectonic plate movement monitoring
- Tomography
- Transducer and array technology
- Tsunami detection
- Underwater archaeology
- Underwater communication, navigation and positioning
- Volume scattering and bubbly media
- Vector sensors
- Waterside Security